Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Been tryin to write something for the past couple of days, but i seem to have a mind block. I think I've finally lost it, i hear leaving in a small town sort of does that to your brain. You can't think past their little matchbox. I doubt i even think anymore and if you see me i guess you'll know what I'm talking about. I spot this blank look on my face, u'd swear i was lost or am about to brake down in tears and start calling for my mommy...

I think I need, c I don't even know what i need...


kwaki said...

You need to consult The Uncle

Just Khens. said...

Ya.... I agree

Now Uncle come to NST so Ms Daisy can consult over alcoholic bevs.

Ms. D - Shame man, U need a drink!

Just Khens. said...

So are you on(for getting smashed on wine/beer)?