Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cloud 9 no more... MEN

Mara y, when i finally think i have a gud thing,well sort of, he jus had to go and ruin it by trying to turn me into something i'm not and will never be. Hu does he think he is...

Yersterday i got myself a 6 of hunters, a box of heaven and couldn't wait to get home, relax and enjoy my hollyherb while sipiin on my refreshments. whilst still changing into something comfortable, bf calls and ask if he cud be picked up from home and i'm like sure thing, a mate to share in my bliss...

Well lets just say it almost did not happen, when we returned and i was getting ready to enjoy, sitting very comfortably. he goes and says don't i think my drinking is a problem and i shud take a brake for the next couple of weeks or so and i shud also stop smoking weed, and i was like hell u do not tell me what to do and if u have a problem with it, don't let the door hit on your way out...

I can't believe he had the nerve to even say that to me


Just Khens. said...


You give'em a bit of nookie then they start thinking that they can control/change you! Men....

Didn't he meet you drunk.

After a few months, they'll tell you that you are nothing without them... U just wait and see!!!

Miss Daisy said...

We met at some sunday session, was stumbling around and i asked him for a cigie...

Nah i think it's time 4 him to go...

kwaki said...

give him the boot, ofcourse my opinion is somewhat biased considering I want u all to myself

Just Khens. said...

Uhuhuh.... Kwaki get over yourself!

Why you tellin people to give other people the boot when you deserted us to go to Jozi to GF????

AM still angry.... it'll take a 24 of something to make me get over it!